THE MISSING COMPONENT: I have always known that reading the scriptures was supposed to produce greater spirituality, but I have read them without the promised benefits, and no one has been able to identify the missing component. The missing component is REVELATION. Once I had unlocked REVELATION in scripture study, I was able to further those skills to hear the dynamic, living voice of the Lord.
In the sacrament prayer, you covenant to "...keep His commandments which He hath given [you], that [you] may always have His spirit to be with [you]." Within this covenant is the instruction to Receive REVELATION. REVELATION is the commandments which He (Christ) gives you...personally.
UNDERSTAND THIS: He is speaking to you NOW, but unless you have conditioned ourselves to hear Him, you have little expectation of Receiving Revelation. And we are left estranged, without "his Spirit to be with us." (ibid) Keep in mind, the Lord has said, "...my works are without end, and also my WORDS, for they NEVER CEASE." (Moses 1:4, emphasis mine) You see, the problem isn't that the Lord is silent, the problem is us learning to hear His voice.
I was always told that reading the scriptures was supposed to produce greater spirituality, but no one ever explained how that actually works. For instance, when I was in high school seminary we had scripture mastery, but memorization didn't produce understanding. As a family, you know how many hours we have spent trying to get the words of Christ into us; we have spent hours reading the scriptures, but most of that time was spent in compulsion, threatening with spankings or yelling if you weren't paying attention...LOL, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, NONE OF IT has produced the desired results of "greater spirituality". Was I left to navigate my life without revelation? I mean we always talk about it, but until the Prophet Joseph Smith helped me distinguish between warm, gushy feelings and pure intelligence I was stuck! In my ignorance, I realized I had been reading the scriptures without the promised benefits, and no one was been able to identify the missing component.
THE MISSING COMPONENT IS...REVELATION: If you are NOT HEARING the living, dynamic word of the Lord to you, then you are missing something...The missing component is REVELATION, but how is it that you recognize REVELATION when studying the scriptures? It comes as PURE KNOWLEDGE OR INTELLIGENCE to your mind.
For instance, when you read a passage, and "suddenly" you know what it means, whereas you didn't before. An example for me was reading the Beatitudes, and suddenly it entered my mind that the 7 Beatitudes were like the seven rungs of Jacob's ladder. And anyone wanting ascend must necessarily go through each of these steps, in its prescribed order. Then, suddenly, the Lord's House of Order (D&C 88:119) popped into my mind. It too described the progress of a family, or home, into eternity. Since then, I have had several occasion when "pure intelligence" enters into my soul, and I understand what was intended. Each revelation has taught me more about the correct perfections, attributes and characteristics of Christ.
THE WORD OF THE LORD IS DYNAMIC! Once I had unlocked revelation in scripture study, I was able to further those skills to hear the dynamic voice of the Lord in my personal life. When a thought entered into my mind, and suddenly it was like pure knowledge flowing to me, I immediately recognized it as revelation because of my long experience Receiving Revelation the very same way in scripture study. But now the revelation was not tied to scriptures, and was personally tied to my role, directing me, in a customized manner that relates only to me. It's a one-on-one relationship with Christ.
Christ, having performed the at-one-ment (descending below all, and ascending above all), is the only one who can provide a one-on-one solution for you to overcome the world. Just as Christ led Lehi's family with the Liahona, this is how the scriptures are a compass, to familiarize you with the voice of the Lord, so that He can guide you to a far better land of promise beyond this veil. It is through many experiences of revelation that you come to KNOW Christ. Knowing Christ is defined by Him as "Life Eternal."
Too often we seek revelation, and falsely think that receiving an answer is what revelation is all about. The real value of revelation is ONLY in knowing the Lord. The answer, the decision, the question, or the problem, is almost meaningless in comparison to what the Lord is doing in revealing Himself to you, so you can KNOW Him.
My wife shared an insight with me last night. She had been explaining our circumstances with the bishop to a friend of hers. She said insightfully, "If my heart is in the right place and I am truly following the Lord, and if Bishop's heart is in the right place and he is trying to do the same, then while at present it may seem that we are at odds, we will end up at some point at the same place. It is in the Lord's hands. I do not have to force the situation to change to what I want it, even though it may be uncomfortable."
She knows that she is following Christ's will for her in the present. That is the personal relationship that is required for all who are His sheep. They must hear His voice. All the little revelations are meant to gradually paint a clearer picture of Christ, so that you KNOW Christ. Eventually, not only will His spirit always be with you, but He will step out from behind the veil, returning you into His presence. There is only one real revelation, and that is the uncovering or unveiling of Christ and God the Father.
CONCLUSION: All these years I have been trying to convince you to read your scriptures. That message has been heard many times over. Some of you have begun to read your scriptures, hearing the voice of the Lord, without knowing it. I offer further light and knowledge through improving your conversations with the Lord, by recognizing how to recognize revelation.
- Get serious about your scripture study. If you want to KNOW the Lord, you need to do at least an hour per day uninterrupted. With His spirit you will start to connect the dots and things will begin to seem clearer.
- Pray before, during, and after your scripture study that you can read and understand by the "spirit of prophecy and revelation" that you may be filled with light.
Alma teaches to experiment upon his words. I encourage you to do the same concerning what I have written. I expect to be held fully accountable for my mistakes, and will answer to anyone for misinformation. You will be held responsible for hearing the voice of the Lord or not. You know too much to claim ignorance. Let's talk more on this subject if you have any interest.
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