There is a hidden message I believe that we can glean from the names of the Patriarchs from the time of Adam to Noah.
Adam = Man

Enos = Mortal
Cainan = Sorrow
Mahalaleel = The Blessed God
Jared = Shall descend (come down)
Enoch = Dedicated, Consecrated, Teacher
Methuselah = When he is dead, his death shall bring, man with a mission, man with a javelin
Lamech = Despairing, Brought low, Humiliated
Noah = Rest, Comfort
A possible interpretation:
Man (has been) Appointed Mortal Sorrow; (but) The Blessed God Shall Descend Dedicating/Teaching (that) When He is dead, His death shall bring (the) Despairing Rest (or) Comfort
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